
My achievements


Diplomas, which confirm the qualification of the master and the nail-coach


1. School LSN 

School LSN School LSN School LSN School LSN School LSN

2. School EZ Flow

School EZ Flow School EZ Flow School EZ Flow School EZ Flow

3. House of Manicure Elena Shanskaya

House of Manicure Elena Shanskaya House of Manicure Elena Shanskaya House of Manicure Elena Shanskaya House of Manicure Elena Shanskaya House of Manicure Elena Shanskaya

4. Bass Cosmetics

Bass Cosmetics Bass Cosmetics

Bass Cosmetics

5. Tammy Taylor

Tammy Taylor

6. Young Nails

Young Nails

7. Formula pros

Formula pros Formula pros

8. Diplomas jury

Diplomas jury

Diplomas jury

9. The judging 

International category nail art judge International category nail art judge Inna Gorodnova International category nail art judge Inna Gorodnova International category nail art judge Inna Gorodnova
International category nail art judge Inna Gorodnova International category nail art judge Inna Gorodnova

10. Diplomas of speaker at forums

Diplomas of speaker at forums

Diplomas of speaker at forums Diplomas of speaker at forums

Education of nail artist Inna Gorodnova >>

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